
psoriasis-The most common and most common kindPsoriasis on the headMysterious skin disease. The name "psoriasis" comes from the Greek word "psoriasis", which means itching and scabies.

"Devil Rose"-This is how to call a disease characterized by skin peeling in old age.

The term "psoriasis" was introduced during the Hippocratic era, which was used to denote a group of skin diseases accompanied by desquamation, dryness, and itching.

The famous ancient Greek physician Claudius Galen (Claudius Galen), at the beginning of our era, first used the term "psoriasis" to refer to skin scaly changes accompanied by severe itching, but this disease is related to psoriasisIrrelevant.

In the past, psoriasis went hand in hand with leprosy, scabies and vitiligo, and people with these diseases had to wear special suits, rattles or bells.

At the beginning of the 19th century, British doctor Willen and his students distinguished between psoriasis and leprosy.

In the future, dermatology will be enriched by new information about the causes of diseases (metabolic disorders, immune changes in the body, virus properties, environmental distress, genetic susceptibility, etc. ), but the exact cause of the disease remains a mystery.

During the entire planet’s existence, 5. 5 billion people suffered from psoriasis.

People think that psoriasis is the "mark of God" for people with special artistic talents.

Among patients with psoriasis, there are many successful and great people, such as Benjamin Franklin, Henry Ford, Winston Churchill, John Rockefeller

The frequency of psoriasis in blacks is much lower than that of whites. Drinking green tea can reduce the risk of psoriasis. The risk of psoriasis in smoking women is 78% higher than that of non-smokers. Usually, during pregnancy, psoriasis will go away on its own without treatment. The number of patients with psoriasis in World War II In September 2009, the United States held a fashion show dedicated to patients with psoriasis for the first time.

In the entire history of mankind, there has not been a single case of psoriasis transferred from a patient to a healthy person, even with a blood transfusion.


Psoriasis is considered a multifactorial disease.This means that the emergence of psoriasis is accidental. Although after years of research, scientists are still unable to find the exact cause of the disease, but there are many hypotheses.

  • Genetic (although having a psoriasis patient in the family does not always mean that his offspring will get sick);
  • Nerve stress (especially in adolescence) can make the disease worse;
  • Nutrition (abuse of fat, salty food, citrus fruits, chocolate, directly related to the incidence of psoriasis);
  • Weakened immunity-long-term medical treatment, frequent colds, other diseases that reduce immunity, affect skin conditions, and trigger the development of psoriasis;
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • Violation of the metabolic process.

There are more "Everyone has their own psoriasis, and the reasons are different. "

Symptoms of the disease

People under 30 years of age, regardless of gender, are most susceptible to this disease. The initial symptoms of the disease are small scattered nodules in red or pink, covered with silvery white scales, when scratched under them, a red surface with prominent blood drops ("blood dew") will be exposed. As psoriasis develops, nodules grow and merge with each other, covering more and more of the skin surface. The patient feels the affected area continues to itch, combs them, and forms psoriasis "plaques"-dense, thickened, irritated skin areas after violent scratching.

The areas of psoriasis on the skin are endless, but the most common are the extensor surfaces of the elbows, knees, arms and legs, and the scalp. Sometimes the disease subsides completely, and then suddenly relapses, sometimes the patient's condition improves (more common in summer), sometimes worse (more common in winter), and in general, it is completely unpredictable.

Psoriasis does not make a person physically disabled, but it can cause a devastating blow to the patient's psychology and prevent him from fully communicating with others.

If you have psoriasis. . .

  • Make sure the rash is actually psoriasis.
  • Don't panic.
  • Try to analyze the events before the onset of the disease, it will help you avoid repeated deterioration.
  • Self-administration is dangerous!
  • Don't be fooled by expensive treatments, each psoriasis has its own treatment.
  • Don't study the disease in depth, dispel anxiety, and adjust to a favorable result. dreadful research on the disease, dispel anxiety, and adjust to a favorable result.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Your attitude is the first assistant in overcoming the disease.

Forms of psoriasis

Scalp psoriasis. Clearly defined pale pink scaly patches appear on the scalp, and the hair never falls out (hair loss in a limited area of the skin indicates another condition, such as ringworm).

Nail psoriasis(Psoriatic nail dystrophy). The nails of the hands and feet are affected. It is characterized by discoloration of the nail plate and nail bed, small spots, spots, horizontal lines, thickening of the skin under the nail, thickening and layering of the nail plate, until the nail plate is completely peeled off.

Palmoplantar psoriasis.Papules appear on the surface of the palms and soles, usually with nail psoriasis (different from mycosis).

Guttate psoriasis.It is characterized by the appearance of a large number of small circles on the skin of patients, protruding from the surface of healthy skin, red or purple (up to purple), very dry, and similar in shape to water droplets, tear marks or small dots. It mainly occurs on the thighs.

Exudative psoriasis.The scales on the surface of the papules are yellow, multi-layered, and stick together. When such pimples are scraped off, the moist, bright pink surface of the skin will be exposed.

Pustular psoriasis.Small bubbles with purulent contents appeared throughout the skin, and the patient's general condition deteriorated and his body temperature increased.

Psoriasis erythroderma.Large areas of skin (sometimes on the entire body surface) fail, inflammation is obvious, the skin color is bright pink, the patient feels intense, unbearable itching and general deterioration.

Arthritis psoriasis.Not only the skin is affected, but the small joints (hands and feet) are also affected. During exercise, joint pain, limited joint movement, and edema.

Isometric psoriasis or Koebner's phenomenon.This form of disease occurs in areas of physical damage to the skin (scratches, surgical wounds, sunburns).

Plaque psoriasis.At the onset of the disease, there will be obvious limited red scaly papules, which merge during the progression of the disease to form stable round or oval dark red patches.

Reverse (interlaced) psoriasis.An unusual shape that occurs under the breast and in the groin area. The plaques are smooth, red, with clear borders and impregnated surfaces.

Erythrodermic psoriasis.In the severe form, the skin surface is red and painful, and the patient has a high fever and chills.

Complications of psoriasis

psoriasis-This is not just a skin disease. Psoriasis is a systemic disease that not only affects the skin, but also almost all body systems. Therefore, in the context of human psoriasis, the following diseases will occur:

  • Psoriatic arthritis;
  • Degeneration of the nail plate;
  • Mucosal damage (mouth, gastrointestinal tract, urethra, bladder, etc. );
  • Eye damage;
  • Liver invasion;
  • Organic diseases of the central nervous system;
  • Heart damage (myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, etc. );
  • Muscular dystrophy;
  • Lymphadenopathy.

Characteristics of psoriasis in children

Usually, psoriasis in children begins at 4-8 years old, and its appearance is usually related to infectious diseases (tonsillitis, chickenpox, etc. ), stress, skin trauma, etc. It mainly appears on the scalp, as well as the skin on the face and groin area. The most common forms of psoriasis in childhood are teardrop and exudative psoriasis.

Psoriasis treatment

Since it is extremely difficult to determine the cause of the disease, it is also difficult to determine a single formula to fight psoriasis. This disease is very individualized, and treatment methods should be strictly individualized.

diet.In most cases, dietary recommendations are sufficient to prevent the development of psoriasis. It is necessary to exclude foods that are traditionally considered allergens-citrus fruits, chocolate, eggs, honey, peppers, strawberries. It is recommended to limit the consumption of sour, spicy, fatty foods (oil, lard), and alcohol.

Enhancer.It is necessary to take multivitamin preparations, which means strengthening the body's immune system and eliminating nerve stress.

Hot compress therapy.A special treatment agent is applied to the skin and then activated by ultraviolet radiation.

Cryotherapy.Place it in a battery with a very low temperature.

Bioresonance therapy.Exposure to weak electromagnetic vibrations.

Ozone therapy.Use gas therapy and ozonized cosmetics.

Spa.The use of medicinal leeches.

Spa treatment.This type of treatment does not aggravate the disease. Be very careful in summer and spring, because sometimes climate change can cause disease. For psoriasis, it is recommended to go to the Dead Sea Sanatorium (Israel), Baku, etc.

External governance(Ointment, cream, etc. ).

Systemic therapy(Tablets, injections, etc. ).

Photochemotherapy.Use special equipment to irradiate ultraviolet rays directly to the affected skin area. These equipment only irradiate the correct location without touching healthy skin (this is important for treating limited forms of psoriasis, such as nail psoriasis).

Traditional treatment methods.Based on the therapeutic effects of medicinal materials (celandine, longevity flower, eucalyptus, honey, kombucha, etc. ).

Phytotherapy.Treat with herbs.


acupuncture.Restore the physical and mental state of patients with psoriasis.


Treat psoriasis with folk remedies.

Today, you can easily find many articles about using folk remedies to treat psoriasis. There are really many remedies, and we will introduce some of them to you.

Very good results, given the use of chicory, dandelion, parsley and other herbal decoctions. For treatment, use the ground roots of these plants, which are harvested on their own in spring or autumn or purchased in pharmacies.

Dill is good for psoriasis. It is very useful to eat it in any usable form, it is best to grind the seeds in a coffee grinder. In the morning, you can prepare a decoction of dill seeds: pour boiling water on two tablespoons of dill seeds (0. 5 liters), hold for an hour, and then drink the decoction obtained 30 minutes before meals, 3-4 per dayTimes.

Cleaning the liver and intestines can also help relieve psoriasis. The easiest way to clean is to use pumpkin seeds, one cup a day for a month, and a tablespoon of corn oil twice a day.

Using acupuncture bath every other day, about half an hour, will help clean the skin. Making the broth is simple: in the bottom of a large pan or bucket, you need to put spruce branches, add celandine leaves, pour all this water, boil, and evaporate on very low heat for 20 minutes. Then put the brothInfuse for 2-3 hours, then pour into the prepared bath. The water temperature should be 37-38 degrees.

When preparing for a bath, you can use other herbs: peppermint, motherwort, chamomile, valerian, lemon balm, oregano, coriander seed, hops.

For the treatment of psoriasis, you can also use sea buckthorn oil both externally and internally.

The most popular psoriasis questions and answers.

Psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is not contagious. In any case, many studies have confirmed this. The existence of several family members with psoriasis is explained by the possible genetic transmission of the disease.

What are the guarantees for treatment?

There are no guarantees, only stable mitigation is possible.

What is the average treatment cost?

Due to strict personal treatment methods and treatment duration, it is almost impossible to calculate treatment costs.

How to make a diagnosis?

Visual inspection and curettage of fungal infections to detect accompanying pathology.

How does alcohol affect patients with psoriasis?

Alcohol, due to its toxicity, has a detrimental effect on the whole body, what do we think about changed skin.

In most alcoholics, psoriasis and frequent exacerbations lose seasonality. The clinical course of the disease becomes more serious.

Therefore, even in small amounts, it is not recommended for psoriasis patients to drink alcoholic beverages.

How does stress affect psoriasis?

The human nervous system is related to the activity of the brain. The brain controls all body functions, intellectual organs and human emotions. It has been determined that in people experiencing negative emotions, the adrenaline content in the blood will rise, which will cause the nervous system to malfunction, which leads to the malfunction of all internal organs. Therefore, under stressful conditions, 56. 6% of patients will experience deterioration.

If a relative has psoriasis, how likely is it that I will have psoriasis?

1. 2% of psoriasis patients have no sick relatives 5% of patients have sick relatives If one of the twins has psoriasis, the other 16% of the cases have psoriasis, provided that the parentsOne is sick. If both parents and one of the twins are sick, then the other has psoriasis in 50% of the cases, and if the twins are identical-73%.

Practical advice for patients with psoriasis

  • Wear loose, breathable clothing.
  • Protect your skin from mechanical irritation.
  • Don't dress too warmly.
  • Avoid contact with corrosive cleaning agents and solvents as much as possible.
  • For body care, only mild soap is allowed to avoid the acidic crust of the skin.
  • Your shower or bathtub should not be hot and long. It is best to take a shower with moderately warm water for a short time.
  • Try not to use a towel when washing, and use a towel when drying.
  • Control your emotions.
  • Communication with other patients can provide additional help.
  • Exercise helps to improve the condition, especially yoga is recommended.
  • A balanced diet and healthy gut microbiota will improve the condition of your skin.

Rehabilitation of patients with psoriasis

Patient rehabilitation includes the following activities:

  • The main treatment to eliminate side effects.
  • Stabilize the metabolic process in the body.
  • Treat concomitant diseases.
  • Increase the body's resistance to the factors that cause the disease to worsen.

To obtain stable relief, it may be necessary to fundamentally change lifestyles, work, and in some cases even change the place of residence (relocation to rural areas, ecologically clean areas can often maintain stable relief). The support of relatives and friends is especially important. Communication with people with the same disease can help overcome difficulties together.

Hufran's life

The famous German physician and therapist Christoph Wilhelm Hufeland once said: "Fear, sadness, depression, melancholy, cowardice, jealousy, and hatred dominate the effects of shortening life. No one suspects that you will get sick because of the thought of being sick. Why don't you imagine that you are healthy to get better? "Perhaps these wonderful words will firmly enter your life and help you overcome the disease. Live according to Hufran!